joi, 24 octombrie 2013

Moneda dedicata Statiei Spatiale Internationale

 Kazakhstanul a emis o moneda bimetalica inedita, din argint si tantal, dedicata statiei spatiale internationale. Moneda face parte dintr-o serie mai ampla dedicata spatiului cosmic si care poate fi vizualizata pe site-ul Bancii Nationale:, de unde am preluat si descrirea monedei mai sus prezentate.

«ISS» (International space station)


Face value: 500 tenge
Date of issue: 18 October, 2013.
Bi-colored (composite) coin has the round form consisted of the concentric situated ring and disk. The internal disk of coin is made of tantalum; external ring is made of silver.
For the first time the technology of colour change of tantalum in production of a coin is applied.
Obverse: the composition symbolized the unity of human being with the world and the connection between the past and present; the face value of the coin "500 ТЕҢГЕ"; trade mark of Kazakhstan Mint; the inscription of "Ag 925 14.6 gr. Та 26.8 gr." defining the metal which the coin is made of, its fineness and weight; two inscriptions "ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ" in Kazakh and "REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN" in English.
Reverse: the image of the International Space Station on Earth orbit and year of coinage "2013”; ISS emblem at upper sector; along the circumference an inscriptions «ХҒС» in Kazakh, «МКС» in Russian and «INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION» in English.
Lateral surface is grooved.
Weight: 41.4 g.
(Ring is made of 925/1000 silver – 14.6 g.,
disk is made of tantalum – 26.8 g.)
Diameter: 38.61 mm,
Quality: proof
Mintage: 5 000.

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