luni, 6 mai 2019

Medalie dedicata Companiei Franco-Romane de Navigatie Aeriana la vanzare

a fost scoasa la vanzare o medalie din bronz emisa probabil in 1923 dedicata Companiei Franco-Romane de Navigatie Aeriana fondata de Aristide Blank in 1920 la pretul de 645$. Medalia are 72 cm si 153,83 grame.

Publicam mai jos descrierea acesteia si informatiile publicate pe siteul mai sus amintit:
"QUÆ SUNT QUÆ FUERINT QUÆ MOX VENTURA TRAHANTUR... (what is, what was, and what shall be...–adapted from the Georgics by Virgil), transportation scene: countryside setting featuring stagecoach driven left, locomotive emerging from right, biplane flying overhead to left, and antique racing car left to lower right / COMPAGNIE FRANCO ROUMAINE DE NAVIGATION AERIENNE / PARIS PRAGUE VARSOVIE VIENNE BUDAPEST BELGRADE BUCAREST CONSTANTINOPLE, two biplanes flying over outline of southeastern Europe, with the airline's routes highlighted; in two lines in exergue, FONDEE en AVRIL 1920 / PAR ARISTIDE BLANK. Edge: CUIVRE.
Dogan 6801. Choice Mint State. Splendid light brown-olive surfaces. A very rare and interesting piece of aviation history and judaica, featuring the 'transportation trinity' of planes, trains, and automobiles.

Born in București (Bucharest) to a wealthy Jewish-Romanian family in 1883/4, Aristide Blank followed his father into the world of finances, directing his family's bank, Banca Marmorosch, Blank & Co., as well as patronizing the arts and other humanistic causes. He founded the CFRNA (Compagnie franco-roumaine de navigation aérienne)—the subject of this medal—sponsored a Romanian edition of the Bible, and founded the Cultura Națională (National Culture) publishing house, writing numerous social and economic analyses. A supporter of Jewish causes, he himself was the victim of an anti-semitic attack in Bucharest in 1924 while giving a lecture to a group of Romanian bankers. By 1950, persecuted by the communists under Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, Blank found himself financially ruined, ultimately fleeing to Paris.

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