miercuri, 19 mai 2021

Conferinta internationala a colectionarilor de jetoane-online


Si in acest an conferinta internationala a colectionarilor de jetoane va fi tot online in zilele de 22 si 23 mai.

Va prezentam mai jos si programul acestei conferinte:

22-23 May 2020
  Main Lectures

23 May 2020
UTC time
15:00     Conference Area
  • Welcome Session
  • "Larken Tokens and the Failed Community Coinage of Griquatown"
    Morgan Carroll (South Africa)
  • “Swedish Amusement Tokens”
    Peter Kraneveld (France)
  • “Farm Checks of the Fens”
    Gary Oddie (UK)
15:50     Coffee break (Bring your own coffee.)
16:00     Conference Area
  • "Fichas y latas de esquila" / “Shearing tokens and cans” (Spanish and English)
    Marcelo Gryckiewicz (Argentina)
  •  "Some Fraudulent 19th-Century Tokens from Montreal"
    Edward Banning (Canada)
  • “San Francisco, California Gold Rush era tokens”
    Michael Wehner (USA)
16:45     Closing Plenary (on Zoom)
  • Questions & Answers and final social meeting
Thematic Rooms
(Official language of the room in parenthesis)

22 May 2020
UTC time
13:30     (English)  
“Books on Tokens, What's New”, hosted by Yosef Sa’ar
What books and catalogues do you use the most, and what do you like the most? What have you found in the last few years?
Be ready to show your favourites.
15:00     (English)  
“Token - what’s in a name?”, hosted by World of Coins
Can "token" be defined? What is and what is not a token?
16:30     (English)  
“Ongoing Research Projects”, hosted by Token Corresponding Society & Token Congress
One of the most interesting aspects of collecting tokens is carrying out the research behind the tokens, whether it is a single token or a whole series. In this discussion room I would like to encourage people to advertise and discuss their projects.
18:00     (English)  
“Transportation Tokens”, hosted by George Cuhaj
Show and tell, bring images or SHORT power point presentations on a favourite company issue.

23 May 2020
UTC time

10:00     (Portuguese) 
“A menina dos meus olhos”, hosted by Fórum Numismatas
Mostra e conta. Qual é a sua ficha favorita e porquê? Traga imagens e histórias para partilhar connosco.
Show and tell. What is your favourite token and why? Bring images and stories to share with us.


Thematic Rooms are subject to last minute additions. Keep informed at our website:

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