miercuri, 13 martie 2013

Capela sixtina

Pentru ca in aceste zile s-a vorbit despre Capela sixtina, unde 115 cardinali urmeaza sa aleaga un nou papa, va prezint un set de 10 monede italiene ce au pe revers imagini color preluate din capodopera lui Michelangelo ce impodobeste  frumoasa capela. Monedele se gasesc la vanzare pe www.blackmountaincoins.com/.

vineri, 8 martie 2013

De Ziua Mamei

Candva se acordau Mamelor eroine (cele care nasteau multi copii, explicatie data pentru a nu exista confuzii in interpretarea acestei titulaturi) medalii si insigne. Acum sunt ignorate aproape total. Iata mai sus o astfel de insigna.

Atentie filatelisti!

Preluam o informatie de pe un blog de filatelist. Un utilizator de ebay a pus la vanzare un timbru "cap de bour" fals. Mai multe cititi pe: http://romanianstampnews.blogspot.ro/2013/03/fals-grosolan-al-unui-cap-de-bour.html

Licitatii la Kunker: 226-231

Noi licitatii la Kunker in perioada 11-16 martie. Piese multe, frumoase si interesante. Antice, medievale, actuale. Bani sa fie. Pentru detalii utilizati site-ul: https://www.kuenker.de/

Targ la Brasov

Nu ratati in acest week-end targul international filatelic si numismatic de la International Trade Center Brasov.

marți, 19 februarie 2013

Targ de antichitati la Iasi

La fiecare sfârșit de lună, în ultima sâmbătă și duminică, are loc la Palas Mall Iași „ Târgul de antichități ". Acest târg adună colecționari din România și străinătate și este un regal al obiectelor de artă decorativă.
Si in acest week-end va fi targ. 

sâmbătă, 9 februarie 2013

Monedă dedicată bisericii de lemn Sfinţii Arhangheli din Rogoz

BNR va pune în circulaţie o monedă din argint dedicată aniversării a 350 de ani de la înălţarea bisericii de lemn Sfinţii Arhangheli din Rogoz, Maramureş. 
Moneda va fi pusă în vânzare de luni, 11 februarie 2013, într-un tiraj de 500 de bucăți. Cu o valoare nominală de 10 lei, preţul de vânzare, fără TVA, pentru moneda din argint și broşura de prezentare, este de 370 lei.
Aversul monedei prezintă imaginea bisericii de lemn Sfinţii Arhangheli din Rogoz, stema României, valoarea nominală de „10 lei”, anul de emisiune „2013” şi inscripţia „Romania”.
Reversul monedei redă icoana Sfintei Treimi din absida altarului bisericii Sfinţii Arhangheli din Rogoz şi inscripţiile „monumente de arta medievală creștina”, „Biserica Sfinții Arhangheli Rogoz” şi anul înălţării „1663”.

joi, 7 februarie 2013

Targ de arta si antichitati la Tg Mures

Târg de Artă și Antichități, ediția a IX-a, in perioada 08-10 februarie 2013 la Promenada Mall Tg-Mureș. Programul de vizitare este vineri și sâmbătă de la ora 10.00 la 22.00, iar duminică de la 10.00 la 19.00.

vineri, 1 februarie 2013

10 milioane dolari pentru o moneda de 1 dolar

10,016,875  dolari este pretul cu care s-a vandut pe 24 ianuarie 2013 o moneda de 1 dolar din argint din 1794, asa numitul  Flowing Hair silver dollar, la casa de licitatii americana Stack’s Bowers Galleries, USA-New York. Mai multe puteti afla de pe http://www.coinsweekly.com/en/Review-auction/10?&id=1320. 

Atentie colectionari! Se fura!

Redam mai jos o stire despre furtul unor monede, medalii, bancnote si antichitati de la un dealer din Londra. Ne-am gandit ca poate apar pe la noi la vanzare (avand in minte recentul caz al tablourile furate de compatrioti de-ai nostri dintr-un muzeu din Olanda) si-l putem ajuta pe englez sa-si recupereze o parte din paguba.
"Theft of coins, medals, banknotes and antiquities in LondonJanuary 31, 2013 – London-based coin and medals dealer Peter Morris has announced a theft of coins, medals, banknotes and antiquities in the night of Saturday/Sunday, January 12th/13th, 2013. The crime report (temporary - CHS 1515/13.1.2013) was made to Bromley Police Station. This is a list of the stolen items.
Abafil black case with 21 trays, containing:
5 guineas 1701 VF, hint of mount marks at 3 and 9 o’c
Henry VIII angel (S.2265) mm castle
Edward VI half-sovereign (S.2438) mm Y
Guinea 1789, VF+, holed
Mix of sovereigns (about 25, from YH shield-back to 2013)
1820 sovereign, GVF, with obverse scratches
Mix of half-sovereigns (about 7, from YH to 2012).
Roman silver and bronze coins, on 4 trays, mostly as per website listing;
almost all with Robert Sharman’s hand-written tickets.
Tray of about 40 Greek silver coins, again all with Mr Sharman’s tickets.
GB Hammered silver coins, nearly 80, all with hand-written tickets, as above.
British silver coins – 2 trays of Crowns, 4 trays of half-crowns, 1 tray of florins, 3 trays of shillings, and 3 trays of sixpences – all on same hand-written tickets – all dated from Charles II to Victoria. (Half-crowns included Edward VII with 2 lower grade 1905).
Foreign coins – housed in 4 Windmill No 1 4-ring binders, classified in alphabetical order, all in individual hartberger card holders, and most with hand-written descriptions by Mr Sharman. (Most as per website listing).
100 Victorian silver crowns, JH and OH, in plastic bag in blue coin box. GF/AVF
4 green plastic bowls with cheaper foreign coins (£1 to £3 each) total about 1,000.
GB Proof sovereigns and half-sovereigns, in case of issue. (1982, 1986..)
Set of 18 proof silver crowns – 2009/10: Celebration of Britain, I large black Royal Mint box.
3 x undated 20p coins, each in Hartberger labelled cards.
Two German 1927A 3 Reichsmark Centenary coins.
Coindex box with about 40 campaign medals, (many as per website) including:
Davison’s Nile medal in bronze, Army of India/bar Ava: erased, Burma medal in faded gilt-silver set old top pin, Crimea medal/bar Sebastopol unnamed, New Zealand medal to Joseph Whitehead, Afghanistan medal/3 bars – Charasia, Kabul, Kandahar to Cpl Th Purves, Egypt medals, India GSM/3 bars to Malik Din, 2 bars to Serjt Fogerty, 2 bars to Pte J Drewett, several QSAs …
WW1 DCM to J Byrne – RW Fus, WW1 MM and trio to Cpl W Dick-RFA, pair to Jobling, as Naval GSM/bar Yangste with UN Korea, plus full paperwork, QSA/trio Dorset/Beds plus WW2 medals to Father and Son Langdale, Falklands medal with CSM/ Northern Ireland to A.C.C., India medal/bar Jowaki plus Afghanistan medal to Sepoy Bukha, Boer War pair to Pte Gregory, another to Pte G Tyler, Royal Scots with paperwork.. Operational Services medal/bar Afghanistan to L/Cpl Louth, PWRR, Accumulated Campaign service medal to URE, Scots Guards,
WW2 group with Air Efficiency medal Geo VI to Rutland.; Re-named Waterloo medal to Lieut. Weston (?) 34th Regt of Foot plus papers.
German WW2 War merit medals, a bag of 40 pieces, with separate ribbons.
Housed in 2 Lindner albums (one cream, one green) with a range of British banknotes, classified by denomination and signature - White Fivers, one Naples forgery White, £20, £10, £5, £1 and 10/-; many as per website.
Individual notes (about 8) – all Bradbury or Warren-Fisher £1 and 10/- each with Bonham’s label. (As listed), includes Dardenelles overprinted 10/-
Roman oil-lamps, about 16 in total, all illustrated on website, and numbered from 2 to 20. (Including 2 erotic lamps and one featuring charioteer and quadriga).
2 deluxe abafil trays with a selection of minor bronze artefacts, including small grey metal bell (6 cms), celtic horse and separate rider, dagger chapes, medieval rings, hooks and attachments. (perhaps 30+ pieces in all)
Roman glass bottles, as described and illustrated on website (B2 to 11), all measuring from 5cms to 13 cms tall.
Chinese – pair of Ming horses and attached attendants (17cms tall), housed in padded blue box; Ming green glazed table set with 15 items of ‘food’ (26 x 17cms and 24cms high); another set 8 items of food – pig’s head, duck & fish (21 x 13cms and 21 cms tall). First table housed in large padded box.

For further information or if you can help Peter Morris with tracking any of these stolen objects, please see his contact details on the website of Peter Morris."

Swiss Electronic Academic Library Service

Redau o stire asa cum am gasit-o. Fiind vorba despre o baza de informatii utile pentru pasiunea noastra si nu numai, sper sa bucure pe cititorii acestui blog.
"Schweizerische Numismatische Rundschau available online
January 31, 2013 – Swiss Electronic Academic Library Service (SEALS) has digitalised numerous academic journals making them available online for free. You can search all journals ranging from computer science to religion to chemistry. But, of course, you can find in particular numismatic journals like Schweizer Numismatische Rundschau. Generally most recent issues of the last couple of years are reserved to subscribers, but the rest of them is accessible to everybody.
If you want to browse through the general SEALS catalogue click here. http://retro.seals.ch/digbib/en/home".
Spor la cautat si citi.

Targul colectionarilor la Suceava

Târgul Colecţionarilor – Tradiţionala întâlnire a colecţionarilor şi buchiniştilor cu publicul bucovinean are loc în Iulius Mall Suceava, de vineri până duminică, 1-3 februarie 2013.