joi, 21 noiembrie 2013
Lansare de carte la Barlad
Lansare de carte la Muzeul "Vasile Parvan" din Barlad pe 30 noiembrie 2013: Marian Bolum: Monedele Romaniei (1867-2013)
Targ de antichitati la Drobeta-Turnu-Severin
In acest week-end Targ de antichitati la galeria Severin Shopping Center, (str Mihai Viteazu nr. 78) incepand cu ora 10:00.
vineri, 15 noiembrie 2013
Studii si cercetari de numismatica nr. 3 (XV)
Aflam de pe blogul dlui Aurel Vilcu ( ca Studii si Cercetari de Numismatica, serie noua, nr. 3 (XV) a fost tiparit. Sumarul acestui numar poate fi vazut aici: SCN3(XV)Sumar
Studii si Cercetari de Numismatica este revista Institutului de
Arheologie "Vasile Parvan" al Academiei Romane, cu aparitie anuala.
Urmatorul volum, nr. 4 (XVI), este in lucru si va fi tiparit in toamna
anului 2014. Orice
comanda va fi adresata la: EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMÂNE, Calea 13
Septembrie nr. 13, sector 5, 050711, Bucuresti, România; tel. 4021-318
8146, 4021-318 8106, fax 4021-318 2444, e-mail:
PRESS IMPEX 2000 S.R.L., P. O. Box 77–19, sector 3, Bucuresti, România;
Tel./Fax: 4021-610 6765, 4021-210 6787, Tel. 0311 044 668, E-mail:
luni, 11 noiembrie 2013
Conspecte numismatice nr. III
Aflam de la dl Sergiu Matveev ca pe data de 8 noiembrie 2013, la Muzeul de Antichităţi "Tudor Arnaut" a Facultăţii de Istorie şi Filosofie-Chisinau, a avut loc prezentarea expoziţiei “Salvgardarea patrimoniului arheologic naţional. Cercetări preventive şi de salvare 2012-2013”, prezentarea lucrării Conspecte numismatice (III) şi sau desfăşurat lucrările Colocviului numismatic (III). Toate cele 3 editii pot fi descarcate la adresa:
De asemenea pe data de 14 noiembrie 2014 la Muzeul de Antichităţi "Tudor Arnaut" a Facultăţii de Istorie şi Filosofie din Chisinau, v-a avea loc un Colocviu numismatic, a IV-a editie.
200 de ani de la înfiinţarea, la Iaşi, a Şcolii de inginerie
In conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr. 312/2004 privind Statutul
Băncii Naţionale a României, Banca Naţională a României va lansa în
circuitul numismatic, începând cu data de 11 noiembrie 2013, un set de monetărie dedicat aniversării
a 200 de ani de la înfiinţarea, la Iaşi, a Şcolii de inginerie, de
către Gheorghe Asachi (astăzi Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi”).
Setul de monetărie va conţine monedele româneşti aflate în circulaţie de 1 ban, 5 bani, 10 bani, 50 bani şi monede comemorative de 50 bani (Aurel Vlaicu, Mircea cel Bătrân şi Neagoe Basarab), precum şi o medalie din argint.
Caracteristicile medaliei din argint sunt următoarele:
Reversul prezintă o parte din aula „Gheorghe Asachi” a Universităţii Tehnice din Iaşi, stema universităţii, inscripţia în arc de cerc «UNIVERSITATEA TEHNICA „GHEORGHE ASACHI” IASI» şi anul de emisiune „2013”.
Setul de monetărie va fi prezentat sub formă de pliant, introdus într-un etui, piesele componente fiind încastrate în locaşuri speciale. Medalia din argint şi monedele care alcătuiesc setul sunt realizate în condiţii de calitate proof.
Tirajul acestei emisiuni numismatice este de 1.000 seturi.
Preţul de vânzare, exclusiv TVA, pentru setul de monetărie este de 230,00 lei/set.
Lansarea în circuitul numismatic a setului de monetărie se realizează prin sucursalele regionale Bucureşti, Cluj, Iaşi şi Timiş ale Băncii Naţionale a României.
Setul de monetărie va conţine monedele româneşti aflate în circulaţie de 1 ban, 5 bani, 10 bani, 50 bani şi monede comemorative de 50 bani (Aurel Vlaicu, Mircea cel Bătrân şi Neagoe Basarab), precum şi o medalie din argint.
Caracteristicile medaliei din argint sunt următoarele:
- Metal: argint;
- Titlu: 800‰;
- Formă: rotundă;
- Diametru: 28 mm;
- Greutate: 15,5 grame;
- Calitate: proof;
- Cant: neted.
Reversul prezintă o parte din aula „Gheorghe Asachi” a Universităţii Tehnice din Iaşi, stema universităţii, inscripţia în arc de cerc «UNIVERSITATEA TEHNICA „GHEORGHE ASACHI” IASI» şi anul de emisiune „2013”.
Setul de monetărie va fi prezentat sub formă de pliant, introdus într-un etui, piesele componente fiind încastrate în locaşuri speciale. Medalia din argint şi monedele care alcătuiesc setul sunt realizate în condiţii de calitate proof.
Tirajul acestei emisiuni numismatice este de 1.000 seturi.
Preţul de vânzare, exclusiv TVA, pentru setul de monetărie este de 230,00 lei/set.
Lansarea în circuitul numismatic a setului de monetărie se realizează prin sucursalele regionale Bucureşti, Cluj, Iaşi şi Timiş ale Băncii Naţionale a României.
marți, 5 noiembrie 2013
Simpozion de numismatica la Muzeul Judetean din Giurgiu
Aflam de pe blogul dlui Aurel Vilcu:, ca astazi are loc la Muzeul Judetean “Teohari Antonescu” din Giurgiu Simpozionul de Numismatica Omagiu Mihai Ionescu la Centenar.
Programul manifestarii poate fi vazut aici:
marți, 29 octombrie 2013
Medalii si decoratii romanesti-expozitie la Tulcea
Medalii si decoratii romanesti din Colectia Muzeului de Istorie si Arheologie , Tulcea, 14 noiembrie - 31 decembrie 2013
vineri, 25 octombrie 2013
Nominalizarile Krause Publications la moneda anului 2014
Nominalizarile Krause Publications la Moneda anului 2014:
Most Historically Significant Coin
1. Canada: KM# 1322a, 25 Cents, Nickel-Plated Steel, War of 1812: Sir Isaac Brock
2. Czech Republic: KM# 127, 200 Korun, Silver, 150th Anniversary of the Sokol Sport and Gymnastics Movement
3. Fiji: KM# 197, 50 Dollars, Silver, 100th Anniversary of the Titanic
4. Germany: KM# 310, 10 Euro, Silver, 200th Anniversary of Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales
5. Greece: KM# 248, 10 Euro, Silver, Greek Culture: Socrates
6. Hungary: KM# 841, 10,000 Forint, Gold, Golden Florin of King Charles I
7. Latvia: KM# 129, 1 Lats, Silver, 200th Anniversary of Riga Zoo
8. Niue: KM# 638, 2 Dollars, Silver, RMS Titanic
9. Russia: KM# 1367, 3 Rubles, Silver, 1150 Years of Statehood
10. Transnistria: KM# 139, 100 Rublei, Silver, Khotyn Fortress
Best Contemporary Event
1. Ascension Island: KM# 25, 60 Crowns, Silver with Diamonds, 60th Anniversary of Reign of Queen Elizabeth II
2. Australia: KM# 1744, 50 Cents, Copper-Nickel, Bombing of Australia in World War II
3. Brazil: KM# 680, 5 Reis, Silver, Delivery of Olympic Flag London to Rio
4. France: KM# 1850, 10 Euro, Silver, 20th Anniversary of the Eurocorps
5. Germany: KM# 309, 10 Euro, Silver, 50th Anniversary of Fighting World Hunger
6. Great Britain: KM# 1216, 5 Pounds, Copper-Nickel, 60th Anniversary of Reign of Queen Elizabeth II
7. Great Britain: KM# 1227, 10 Pounds, Silver, London Olympics
8. Greece: KM# 246, 10 Euro, Silver, Dr. George Papanicolaou
9. Latvia: KM# 128, 10 Lats, Silver, London Olympics
10. Poland: Y# 818, 10 Zlotych, Silver, Stefan Banach
Best Gold Coin
1. Austria: KM# 3214, 100 Euro, Gold, Imperial Crown
2. Canada: KM# 1520, 1 Cent, Gold, The End of the Penny
3. Great Britain: KM# 1207, One Sovereign, Gold, New Depiction of St. George Slaying the Dragon
4. Greece: KM# 250, 100 Euro, Gold, Balkan War Centennial
5. Hungary: KM# 843, 5,000 Forint, Gold, Summer Olympics: Canoe
6. Israel: KM# 494, 10 New Sheqalim, Gold, Tel Megiddo
7. Italy: KM# 352, 20 Euro, Gold, Fauna in Art: Middle Ages
8. Lithuania: KM# 180, 10 Litu, Gold, Science: Mokslas
9. Netherlands: KM# 313, 10 Euro, Gold, Amsterdam Canals
10. Slovakia: KM# 125, 100 Euro, Gold, 300th Anniversary of the Coronation of Charles III
Best Silver Coin
1. Australia: KM# 1830, 1 Dollar, Silver, Kangaroo in Ultra High Relief
2. Austria: KM# 3209, 20 Euro, Silver, Egon Schiele
3. Canada: KM# 1237, 20 Dollars, Silver, Maple Leaf
4. Cook Islands: KM# 1599, 1 Dollar, Silver, Gold Cup
5. France: KM# 2079, 10 Euro, Silver, SS France Ocean Liner
6. Italy: KM# 353, 5 Euro, Silver, Monetary Unification
7. Japan: Y# 195, 1,000 Yen, Silver, International Monetary Fund Meeting
8. New Zealand: KM# 356, 1 Dollar, Silver, Queen’s 1953 Christmas Message
9. South Africa: KM# 532, 50 Cents, Silver, Baobob Tree
10. United States: KM# 522a, 25 Cents, Proof Silver, Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park
Best Crown Coin
1. Australia: KM# 1853, 5 Dollars, Silver, Southern Cross in Blue Sky
2. Belarus: KM# 425, 10 Rubles, Silver, 150th Anniversary of Railways
3. Canada: KM# 1238, 20 Dollars, Silver, Diamond Jubilee High Relief
4. China: Y# 2047, 10 Yuan, Silver, Zhang Fei Mask
5. Finland: KM# 189, 20 Euro, Silver, UNESCO Equality and Tolerance
6. Hungary: KM# 839, 500 Forint, Silver, Istvan Orkeny
7. Ireland: KM# 72, 15 Euro, Silver, Wolfhounds
8. Kazakhstan: KM# 222, 500 Tenge, Silver, Fairytale Characters
9. Kyrgestan: KM# 50, 10 Som, Silver, Kurmanjan Dakta
10. Lithuania: KM# 178, 50 Litu, Silver, Turtle
Best Circulation Coin
1. Armenia: KM# 214, 50 Dram, Brass-Plated Steel, Armavir Region
2. Australia: KM# 1738, One Dollar, Aluminum-Bronze, International Year of the Farmer
3. Canada: KM# 1258, 2 Dollars, Bi-Metallic, War of 1812: HMS Shannon
4. China: KM# 2041, 1 Yuan, Brass, Year of the Dragon
5. Denmark: KM# 945, 20 Kroner, Aluminum Bronze, 40th Anniversary of Queen Margrethe II
6. Fiji: KM# 334, 20 Cents, Nickel-Plated Steel, Parrot
7. Finland: KM# 182, 2 Euro, Bi-Metallic, Helene Schjerfbeck
8. Germany: KM# 305, 2 Euro, Bi-Metallic, Bavaria-Schloss
9. Latvia: KM# 135, 1 Lats, Copper-Nickel, Hedgehog
10. Russia: Y# 1417, 5 Rubles, Nickel-Plated Steel, Patriotic War of 1812: Capture of Paris
Best Bi-Metallic Coin
1. Austria: KM# 3212, 25 Euro, Silver and Niobium, Bionics
2. Canada: KM# 1132, 5 Dollars, Silver and Niobium, Winter Moon
3. Finland: KM# 180, 50 Euro, Silver and Gold, Helsinki World Design Capital
4. Great Britain: KM# 1224, 2 Pounds, Bi-Metallic, Charles Dickens
5. Japan: Y# 191, 500 Yen, Bi-Metallic, Black-Beaked Storks
6. Luxembourg: KM# 120, 2 Euro, Bi-Metallic, Royal Wedding
7. Portugal: KM# 813, 2 Euro, Bi-Metallic, European Cultural Capital: Guimaraes
8. Slovenia: KM# 109, 3 Euro, Bi-Metallic, 100th Anniversary of Rudolph Cvetko’s Olympic Fencing Medal
9. Switzerland: KM# 142, 10 Francs, Bi-Metallic, Combat of the Bulls
10. Uganda: KM# 278, 1,000 Shillings, Bi-Metallic, 50th Anniversary of Independence
Most Artistic Coin
1. Armenia: KM# 223, 100 Dram, Silver, Sergei Parajanov
2. Australia: KM# 1625, 20 Cents, Copper-Nickel, Fields of Gold (Wheat)
3. Austria: KM# 3206a, 5 Euro, Silver, Society of Music Lovers
4. Belarus: KM# 426, 20 Rubles, Silver, Folk Legends: Bear
5. Estonia: KM# 72, 12 Euro, Silver, London Olympics
6. Finland: KM# 186, 5 Euros, Bi-Metallic, Northern Nature: Winter
7. France: KM# 2087, 10 Euro, Silver, Yves Klein
8. Italy: KM# 356, 10 Euro, Silver, Michelangelo and David
9. Lithuania: KM# 179, 10 Litu, Silver, Artist’s Palette
10. Portugal: KM# 815a, 2.5 Euro, Silver, Painter Jose Malhoa
Most Innovative Coinage
1. Aruba: KM# 50, 5 Florin, Silver, Shoco Bird: World’s First Augmented Reality Coin
2. Canada: KM# 1252, 25 Cents, Nickel-Plated Steel, Glow in the Dark Dino Skeleton
3. Cook Islands: KM# 1600, 5 Dollars, Silver, Nano-Sistine Chapel
4. Isle of Man: KM# 1446, 1 Crown, Copper-Nickel, Tennis: Commemorates Both Table Tennis and Lawn Tennis
5. Kazakhstan: KM# 223, 500 Tenge, Silver, Dinmukhamed Konayev: ex-Soviet Republic Honors ex-Soviet Leader (Distinct visual themes)
6. Latvia: KM# 131, 1 Lats, Silver, Riga Technical University: Technical Draftsmanship Tools
7. Niger: KM# 17, 1,000 Francs, Silver, Mecca Pointer
8. Poland and Ukraine: Y#824, KM# 666, 10 Zlotych + 10 Hyrvnia, Silver, European Football Championship: Yin Yang Design for Two Nations
9. Poland: KM# 825-828, 10 Zlotych, Silver, European Football Championships: 4 Pieces Make A Square
Most Inspirational Coinage
1. Alderney: KM# 219, 5 Pounds, Copper-Nickel, Remembrance Day
2. Canada: KM# 1248, 5 Dollars, Silver, Man in Motion: Rick Hansen Wheelchair
3. Cyprus: KM# 98, 5 Euro, Silver, Presidency of the European Council
4. Finland: KM# 187, 10 Euro, Silver, Arvo Ylppo
5. Hungary: KM# 837, 3,000 Forint, Silver, 150th Anniversary of Tragedy of Man: Imre Madach
6. Netherlands: KM# 309, 5 Euro, Silver, 400 Years of Diplomatic Relations with Turkey
7. New Zealand: KM# 354, 1 Dollar, Silver, 50 Years of Friendship Between New Zealand and Samoa
8. Poland: Y# 814, 20 Zlotych, Silver, Holocaust Families
9. United States: KM# 530, 1 Dollar, Silver, Star-Spangled Banner
10. Vatican City: KM# 435, 2 Euro, Bi-Metallic, 7th World Meeting of Families
P.S.Romania pastreaza traditia, nu are nici o nominalizare.
Most Historically Significant Coin
1. Canada: KM# 1322a, 25 Cents, Nickel-Plated Steel, War of 1812: Sir Isaac Brock
2. Czech Republic: KM# 127, 200 Korun, Silver, 150th Anniversary of the Sokol Sport and Gymnastics Movement
3. Fiji: KM# 197, 50 Dollars, Silver, 100th Anniversary of the Titanic
4. Germany: KM# 310, 10 Euro, Silver, 200th Anniversary of Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales
5. Greece: KM# 248, 10 Euro, Silver, Greek Culture: Socrates
6. Hungary: KM# 841, 10,000 Forint, Gold, Golden Florin of King Charles I
7. Latvia: KM# 129, 1 Lats, Silver, 200th Anniversary of Riga Zoo
8. Niue: KM# 638, 2 Dollars, Silver, RMS Titanic
9. Russia: KM# 1367, 3 Rubles, Silver, 1150 Years of Statehood
10. Transnistria: KM# 139, 100 Rublei, Silver, Khotyn Fortress
Best Contemporary Event
1. Ascension Island: KM# 25, 60 Crowns, Silver with Diamonds, 60th Anniversary of Reign of Queen Elizabeth II
2. Australia: KM# 1744, 50 Cents, Copper-Nickel, Bombing of Australia in World War II
3. Brazil: KM# 680, 5 Reis, Silver, Delivery of Olympic Flag London to Rio
4. France: KM# 1850, 10 Euro, Silver, 20th Anniversary of the Eurocorps
5. Germany: KM# 309, 10 Euro, Silver, 50th Anniversary of Fighting World Hunger
6. Great Britain: KM# 1216, 5 Pounds, Copper-Nickel, 60th Anniversary of Reign of Queen Elizabeth II
7. Great Britain: KM# 1227, 10 Pounds, Silver, London Olympics
8. Greece: KM# 246, 10 Euro, Silver, Dr. George Papanicolaou
9. Latvia: KM# 128, 10 Lats, Silver, London Olympics
10. Poland: Y# 818, 10 Zlotych, Silver, Stefan Banach
Best Gold Coin
1. Austria: KM# 3214, 100 Euro, Gold, Imperial Crown
2. Canada: KM# 1520, 1 Cent, Gold, The End of the Penny
3. Great Britain: KM# 1207, One Sovereign, Gold, New Depiction of St. George Slaying the Dragon
4. Greece: KM# 250, 100 Euro, Gold, Balkan War Centennial
5. Hungary: KM# 843, 5,000 Forint, Gold, Summer Olympics: Canoe
6. Israel: KM# 494, 10 New Sheqalim, Gold, Tel Megiddo
7. Italy: KM# 352, 20 Euro, Gold, Fauna in Art: Middle Ages
8. Lithuania: KM# 180, 10 Litu, Gold, Science: Mokslas
9. Netherlands: KM# 313, 10 Euro, Gold, Amsterdam Canals
10. Slovakia: KM# 125, 100 Euro, Gold, 300th Anniversary of the Coronation of Charles III
Best Silver Coin
1. Australia: KM# 1830, 1 Dollar, Silver, Kangaroo in Ultra High Relief
2. Austria: KM# 3209, 20 Euro, Silver, Egon Schiele
3. Canada: KM# 1237, 20 Dollars, Silver, Maple Leaf
4. Cook Islands: KM# 1599, 1 Dollar, Silver, Gold Cup
5. France: KM# 2079, 10 Euro, Silver, SS France Ocean Liner
6. Italy: KM# 353, 5 Euro, Silver, Monetary Unification
7. Japan: Y# 195, 1,000 Yen, Silver, International Monetary Fund Meeting
8. New Zealand: KM# 356, 1 Dollar, Silver, Queen’s 1953 Christmas Message
9. South Africa: KM# 532, 50 Cents, Silver, Baobob Tree
10. United States: KM# 522a, 25 Cents, Proof Silver, Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park
Best Crown Coin
1. Australia: KM# 1853, 5 Dollars, Silver, Southern Cross in Blue Sky
2. Belarus: KM# 425, 10 Rubles, Silver, 150th Anniversary of Railways
3. Canada: KM# 1238, 20 Dollars, Silver, Diamond Jubilee High Relief
4. China: Y# 2047, 10 Yuan, Silver, Zhang Fei Mask
5. Finland: KM# 189, 20 Euro, Silver, UNESCO Equality and Tolerance
6. Hungary: KM# 839, 500 Forint, Silver, Istvan Orkeny
7. Ireland: KM# 72, 15 Euro, Silver, Wolfhounds
8. Kazakhstan: KM# 222, 500 Tenge, Silver, Fairytale Characters
9. Kyrgestan: KM# 50, 10 Som, Silver, Kurmanjan Dakta
10. Lithuania: KM# 178, 50 Litu, Silver, Turtle
Best Circulation Coin
1. Armenia: KM# 214, 50 Dram, Brass-Plated Steel, Armavir Region
2. Australia: KM# 1738, One Dollar, Aluminum-Bronze, International Year of the Farmer
3. Canada: KM# 1258, 2 Dollars, Bi-Metallic, War of 1812: HMS Shannon
4. China: KM# 2041, 1 Yuan, Brass, Year of the Dragon
5. Denmark: KM# 945, 20 Kroner, Aluminum Bronze, 40th Anniversary of Queen Margrethe II
6. Fiji: KM# 334, 20 Cents, Nickel-Plated Steel, Parrot
7. Finland: KM# 182, 2 Euro, Bi-Metallic, Helene Schjerfbeck
8. Germany: KM# 305, 2 Euro, Bi-Metallic, Bavaria-Schloss
9. Latvia: KM# 135, 1 Lats, Copper-Nickel, Hedgehog
10. Russia: Y# 1417, 5 Rubles, Nickel-Plated Steel, Patriotic War of 1812: Capture of Paris
Best Bi-Metallic Coin
1. Austria: KM# 3212, 25 Euro, Silver and Niobium, Bionics
2. Canada: KM# 1132, 5 Dollars, Silver and Niobium, Winter Moon
3. Finland: KM# 180, 50 Euro, Silver and Gold, Helsinki World Design Capital
4. Great Britain: KM# 1224, 2 Pounds, Bi-Metallic, Charles Dickens
5. Japan: Y# 191, 500 Yen, Bi-Metallic, Black-Beaked Storks
6. Luxembourg: KM# 120, 2 Euro, Bi-Metallic, Royal Wedding
7. Portugal: KM# 813, 2 Euro, Bi-Metallic, European Cultural Capital: Guimaraes
8. Slovenia: KM# 109, 3 Euro, Bi-Metallic, 100th Anniversary of Rudolph Cvetko’s Olympic Fencing Medal
9. Switzerland: KM# 142, 10 Francs, Bi-Metallic, Combat of the Bulls
10. Uganda: KM# 278, 1,000 Shillings, Bi-Metallic, 50th Anniversary of Independence
Most Artistic Coin
1. Armenia: KM# 223, 100 Dram, Silver, Sergei Parajanov
2. Australia: KM# 1625, 20 Cents, Copper-Nickel, Fields of Gold (Wheat)
3. Austria: KM# 3206a, 5 Euro, Silver, Society of Music Lovers
4. Belarus: KM# 426, 20 Rubles, Silver, Folk Legends: Bear
5. Estonia: KM# 72, 12 Euro, Silver, London Olympics
6. Finland: KM# 186, 5 Euros, Bi-Metallic, Northern Nature: Winter
7. France: KM# 2087, 10 Euro, Silver, Yves Klein
8. Italy: KM# 356, 10 Euro, Silver, Michelangelo and David
9. Lithuania: KM# 179, 10 Litu, Silver, Artist’s Palette
10. Portugal: KM# 815a, 2.5 Euro, Silver, Painter Jose Malhoa
Most Innovative Coinage
1. Aruba: KM# 50, 5 Florin, Silver, Shoco Bird: World’s First Augmented Reality Coin
2. Canada: KM# 1252, 25 Cents, Nickel-Plated Steel, Glow in the Dark Dino Skeleton
3. Cook Islands: KM# 1600, 5 Dollars, Silver, Nano-Sistine Chapel
4. Isle of Man: KM# 1446, 1 Crown, Copper-Nickel, Tennis: Commemorates Both Table Tennis and Lawn Tennis
5. Kazakhstan: KM# 223, 500 Tenge, Silver, Dinmukhamed Konayev: ex-Soviet Republic Honors ex-Soviet Leader (Distinct visual themes)
6. Latvia: KM# 131, 1 Lats, Silver, Riga Technical University: Technical Draftsmanship Tools
7. Niger: KM# 17, 1,000 Francs, Silver, Mecca Pointer
8. Poland and Ukraine: Y#824, KM# 666, 10 Zlotych + 10 Hyrvnia, Silver, European Football Championship: Yin Yang Design for Two Nations
9. Poland: KM# 825-828, 10 Zlotych, Silver, European Football Championships: 4 Pieces Make A Square
Most Inspirational Coinage
1. Alderney: KM# 219, 5 Pounds, Copper-Nickel, Remembrance Day
2. Canada: KM# 1248, 5 Dollars, Silver, Man in Motion: Rick Hansen Wheelchair
3. Cyprus: KM# 98, 5 Euro, Silver, Presidency of the European Council
4. Finland: KM# 187, 10 Euro, Silver, Arvo Ylppo
5. Hungary: KM# 837, 3,000 Forint, Silver, 150th Anniversary of Tragedy of Man: Imre Madach
6. Netherlands: KM# 309, 5 Euro, Silver, 400 Years of Diplomatic Relations with Turkey
7. New Zealand: KM# 354, 1 Dollar, Silver, 50 Years of Friendship Between New Zealand and Samoa
8. Poland: Y# 814, 20 Zlotych, Silver, Holocaust Families
9. United States: KM# 530, 1 Dollar, Silver, Star-Spangled Banner
10. Vatican City: KM# 435, 2 Euro, Bi-Metallic, 7th World Meeting of Families
P.S.Romania pastreaza traditia, nu are nici o nominalizare.
joi, 24 octombrie 2013
Moneda dedicata Statiei Spatiale Internationale
Kazakhstanul a emis o moneda bimetalica inedita, din argint si tantal, dedicata statiei spatiale internationale. Moneda face parte dintr-o serie mai ampla dedicata spatiului cosmic si care poate fi vizualizata pe site-ul Bancii Nationale:, de unde am preluat si descrirea monedei mai sus prezentate.«ISS» (International space station) | ||
Date of issue: 18 October, 2013. Bi-colored (composite) coin has the round form consisted of the concentric situated ring and disk. The internal disk of coin is made of tantalum; external ring is made of silver. For the first time the technology of colour change of tantalum in production of a coin is applied. Obverse: the composition symbolized the unity of human being with the world and the connection between the past and present; the face value of the coin "500 ТЕҢГЕ"; trade mark of Kazakhstan Mint; the inscription of "Ag 925 14.6 gr. Та 26.8 gr." defining the metal which the coin is made of, its fineness and weight; two inscriptions "ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ" in Kazakh and "REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN" in English. Reverse: the image of the International Space Station on Earth orbit and year of coinage "2013”; ISS emblem at upper sector; along the circumference an inscriptions «ХҒС» in Kazakh, «МКС» in Russian and «INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION» in English. Lateral surface is grooved. Weight: 41.4 g. (Ring is made of 925/1000 silver – 14.6 g., disk is made of tantalum – 26.8 g.) Diameter: 38.61 mm, Quality: proof Mintage: 5 000. |
Expozitie dedicata zilei Armatei
Biblioteca Judeteana Panait Istrati
Ziua Armatei Romane
23 - 30 octombrie 2013
Targ de antichitati la Pitesti
zilele de 08,09 şi 10 noiembrie 2013 SEVERINUM ANTIK organizează un
Târg de antichităţi în Piteşti in centrul comercial Jupiter City
(Carrefour). Cei interesaţi sa participe la acest eveniment sunt rugaţi
să contacteze organizatorii la următoarele numere de telefon sau pe
0753568354 - romeo
0722582997 - sebi
0753568354 - romeo
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