luni, 6 mai 2019

Bancnota canadiana de 10$ a castigat premiul "International Bank Note Society"

A Canadian $10 bill has won the top prize in an international banknote competition.
The bill, featuring Canadian civil rights activist Viola Desmond, beat 15 other banknotes to win the International Bank Note Society award.
The Bank of Canada won the award over new currency issued by Switzerland, Norway, Russia and the Solomon Islands.
The new vertical format bill dominated the voting at the awards, said the International Bank Note Society in a release.

"Incorporating the latest in technological standards, the bold security features are easy to check and difficult to counterfeit," the release said.
The organisation considers the artistic merit, design, use of colour, contrast, balance and security features of each nominated bank note.
There were 150 new bank notes released worldwide last year, though only 10% "were of sufficiently new design" to be nominated for the award.
To read the complete article, see:
Canada's Viola Desmond note wins international banknote competition (

 Canada’s $10 bill has had a bit of a face-lift. The iridescent purple note, issued in November of last year, is the only one so far to feature either a person of color or a non-royal woman. What’s more, it’s vertical.
If the note looks a little unusual to you, you’re not alone. Its orientation is relatively uncommon among banknotes, though the format has been used before in countries including Bermuda, Switzerland, Colombia, and Venezuela.
Whether or not that’s true, the Bank of Canada’s decision was not based on any particular technical reason, a spokesperson told Quartz. Instead, she said, the change is “essentially because it’s a good way to really put forward and frame the portrait of Viola Desmond...
In addition to making her picture stand out, the vertical orientation was “a good way to distinguish it” from earlier notes, the bank spokesperson said. With each new set of banknotes, “we try to innovate.”
To read the complete article, see:
Behind the vertical design of Canada’s award-winning $10 bill (
(sursa:  The E-Sylum v22n18 May 5, 2019)

Volum: Monedele Republicii Ragusa

Coins of Ragusa are one of the most significant part of the Croatian numismatics and due to that fact they deserve to have an appropriate numismatic catalog. The job around this catalog commenced in 2011 and publication is planned for 2018.
This catalog is a modern numismatic publication based primarily on the work of Milan Rešetar especially in classification part. However, this catalog brings a new approach to this matter and also new data about the coins of Ragusa.
The focus in this catalog is more on the catalog part than the historical background of the coins. Historical part is well presented in books of Milan Rešetar and Bože Mimica.
The main goal of this catalog is to enable easier identification of Ragusa coins and also to bring this matter to the newly interested numismatists.
Soft cover, 29 x 21 cm, 200 pages, grayscale images, Croatian and English texts.
Author: Zlatko Viščević
For more information, or to order, see:
Novac Dubrovačke Republike Coins of Ragusa (
To read the CoinsWeekly article, see:
Specialized Catalog of Coins from the Republic of Ragusa (

Monedă din argint cu tema Desăvârșirea Marii Uniri – Emmanuel de Martonne

În conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr.312/2004 privind Statutul Băncii Naţionale a României, începând cu data de 13 mai 2019, Banca Naţională a României va lansa în circuitul numismatic o monedă din argint cu tema Desăvârșirea Marii Uniri – Emmanuel de Martonne.
Caracteristicile monedei sunt următoarele:
  • valoare nominală: 10 lei;
  • metal: argint;
  • titlu: 999‰;
  • formă: rotundă;
  • diametru: 37 mm;
  • greutate: 31,103 g;
  • calitate: proof;
  • cant: zimțat.
Aversul monedei prezintă o expediție a geografului francez Emmanuel de Martonne în munții Carpați, inscripţia în arc de cerc „ROMANIA”, valoarea nominală „10 LEI”, stema României și anul de emisiune „2019”.
Reversul monedei prezintă portretul lui Emmanuel de Martonne, semnătura acestuia și inscripția în arc de cerc „EMMANUEL DE MARTONNE”.
Monedele din argint, ambalate în capsule de metacrilat transparent, vor fi însoţite de broşuri de prezentare redactate în limbile română, engleză şi franceză. Broşurile includ certificatul de autenticitate al emisiunii, pe care se găsesc semnăturile guvernatorului BNR şi casierului central.
Tirajul pentru această emisiune este de 300 monede din argint.
Preţul de vânzare, exclusiv TVA, pentru moneda din argint, inclusiv broşura de prezentare este de 350,00 lei.
Monedele din argint cu tema Desăvârșirea Marii Uniri – Emmanuel de Martonne au putere circulatorie pe teritoriul României.
Lansarea în circuitul numismatic a acestor monede din argint se realizează prin sucursalele regionale Bucureşti, Cluj, Iaşi şi Timiş ale Băncii Naţionale a României.

Pentru rezervarea pieselor numismatice în vederea achiziționării puteți utiliza acest Formular.

Medalie dedicata Companiei Franco-Romane de Navigatie Aeriana la vanzare

a fost scoasa la vanzare o medalie din bronz emisa probabil in 1923 dedicata Companiei Franco-Romane de Navigatie Aeriana fondata de Aristide Blank in 1920 la pretul de 645$. Medalia are 72 cm si 153,83 grame.

Publicam mai jos descrierea acesteia si informatiile publicate pe siteul mai sus amintit:
"QUÆ SUNT QUÆ FUERINT QUÆ MOX VENTURA TRAHANTUR... (what is, what was, and what shall be...–adapted from the Georgics by Virgil), transportation scene: countryside setting featuring stagecoach driven left, locomotive emerging from right, biplane flying overhead to left, and antique racing car left to lower right / COMPAGNIE FRANCO ROUMAINE DE NAVIGATION AERIENNE / PARIS PRAGUE VARSOVIE VIENNE BUDAPEST BELGRADE BUCAREST CONSTANTINOPLE, two biplanes flying over outline of southeastern Europe, with the airline's routes highlighted; in two lines in exergue, FONDEE en AVRIL 1920 / PAR ARISTIDE BLANK. Edge: CUIVRE.
Dogan 6801. Choice Mint State. Splendid light brown-olive surfaces. A very rare and interesting piece of aviation history and judaica, featuring the 'transportation trinity' of planes, trains, and automobiles.

Born in București (Bucharest) to a wealthy Jewish-Romanian family in 1883/4, Aristide Blank followed his father into the world of finances, directing his family's bank, Banca Marmorosch, Blank & Co., as well as patronizing the arts and other humanistic causes. He founded the CFRNA (Compagnie franco-roumaine de navigation aérienne)—the subject of this medal—sponsored a Romanian edition of the Bible, and founded the Cultura Națională (National Culture) publishing house, writing numerous social and economic analyses. A supporter of Jewish causes, he himself was the victim of an anti-semitic attack in Bucharest in 1924 while giving a lecture to a group of Romanian bankers. By 1950, persecuted by the communists under Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, Blank found himself financially ruined, ultimately fleeing to Paris.

Semnal editorial: Mircea Angelescu- Incintele de la Histria în lumina fortificațiilor din lumea greacă

Semnalam aparitia in 2018, a unui interesant si necesar volum dedicat cetatii Histria, in fapt teza de doctorat a dlui Mircea Angelescu intitulat "Incintele de la Histria in lumina fortificatiilor din lumea greaca", sustinuta in 2002. Publicam mai jos cuprinsul. Mai multe informatii pe:


Expozitie. Suveranii Romaniei-Responsabilitate si sacrificii

Semnalam o viitoare expozitie fotodocumentara la Muzeul Municipal Curtea de Arges, a unui impatimit si bine documentat colectionar bucurestean, (pe care am avut onoarea sa-l cunosc anul trecut), Doru Parfenie, membru al Clubului Numismatic "Mihai Eminescu" (din cadrul Cercului Militar National Bucuresti), dedicata regilor Romaniei.

Semnal editorial: Marian Bolum-Circulatia monetara in Transilvania.II.Monede (1867-1947)

Cu bucurie anuntam aparitia la editura Pim, a unui nou volum de istorie monetara a profesorului barladean, Marian Bolum, intitulat "Circulatie monetara in Transilvania.II. Monede (1867-1947). Lansarea volumului va avea loc miercuri, 8 mai a.c. ora 16,  la Biblioteca Stroe S. Belloescu din Barlad.
Felicitari autorului si asteptam si alte asemenea realizari!

luni, 15 aprilie 2019

Congres National de Insignografie la Turnu Magurele

Cel de-al XI-lea Congres Național de Insignografie și cea de-a 45-a Expoziție colectivă de insigne se vor desfășura la Turnu Măgurele în perioada 07 - 09 Iunie 2019.